AMTT Massage School Cost – Tuition & Fees


Becoming a Professional

To become a professional in any field of endeavor, the most important thing is to choose a career doing something you love that is personally rewarding.  We encourage you to be guided by your faith and seek a sense of purpose that honors God and contributes to the greater good of others and of our world.

Whatever guides you on your life’s path, it’s also relevant to consider the following:

  • Time investment required for a chosen profession,
  • Financial investment required for a chosen profession,
  • Financial compensation for the chosen profession.

While there are many great professions that require a college degree, the path to becoming a Licensed, Professional Massage Therapist requires far less time and usually earns greater financial compensation.  The Academy for Massage Therapy Training (AMTT) asks you to consider the following:

Invest in time
Timer icon
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Average annual salary

Information Sources for Charts:

  1. COLLEGE FOR ALL TEXANS – (2023-2024 school year average costs for a state resident times 4; includes only tuition and fees, books & supplies);
  2. ZipRecruiter – Bachelor Degree Salary in Texas;–in-Texas#Yearly
  3. ZipRecruiter – Licensed Massage Therapist Salary in San Antonio, TX Comparison by Location;,TX#Yearly
  4. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) – (a credit hour approximates 3 hours a week for 15 weeks);
  5. Credit Hours and Time Equivalencies – West Virginia University, (The general rule provided by the U.S. Department of Education: “45 total hours of time on 1 credit”;
  6. Coursera – (Most bachelor’s degree programs require 120 college credits.);

Notes for Charts:

1. AMTT students complete our training courses in 6-9 months; the charts above cite an average of 7.5 months
2. We also have a “Massage Mastery Program”, 570 hour course that is not shown on charts

AMTT Programs – Tuition & Fees

All of our massage therapy training programs include the state-required 500-hours of instruction to become licensed. 

Our graduates are even more attractive to potential employers when they have also completed a Mastery Program which gives you both training and experience!

Fundamentals Program

Massage Basics & State Requirements

500 Hours of Instruction & Hands-On Training

Registration Fee: $100

Books & Supplies: $199

Total: $299

Tuition: $197.50 / week

Massage Mastery Program

Includes High Demand Services & More Internship

570 Hours of Instruction & Hands-On Training

Registration Fee: $100

Books & Supplies: $199

Total: $299

Tuition: $67.45 / week

Advanced Clinical Mastery

Most Comprehensive Training with 250 Additional Internship Hours

750 Total Hours of Instruction & Hands-On Training

Registration Fee: $100

Books & Supplies: $199

Total: $299

Tuition: Eligible for Full Tuition Forgiveness

Upcoming Class Schedule

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Life Changing Decision

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Begin your journey to becoming a professional massage therapist.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you really have massage school programs with no out-of-pocket tuition?

Yes, our tuition free program is called “Advanced Clinical Mastery”. For students who successfully complete this program, all tuition is forgiven! So with only $249 and a time commitment, you can get into a career in 6-9 months where median income is $55K a year.

How much is tuition?

That will depend on which program you choose. We have three programs to choose from:

  • Fundamentals of Massage – 500 Hours
  • Massage Mastery Program – 570 Hours
  • Advanced Clinical Mastery – 750 Hours

Please contact us to speak to our student service rep for more details.

How do I pay for tuition?

We have weekly and biweekly interest-free payment options.  We are also VA approved to serve service members, veterans, spouses, and other family members.

Do you Accept VA Benefits?

Yes, we accept:

  • GI Bill®
  • Chapter 30: Montgomery GI Bill®
  • Chapter 31: Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Chapter 33: Post 9/11 GI Bill®
  • Chapter 35: Survivor and Dependents Assistance
  • Chapter 1606: Selective Reserve Montgomery GI Bill®
  • Chapter 1607: Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP)
Do you offer financing?

AMTT has options for every student when it comes to tuition. We have no-credit-check financing options available to every student and are also proud to offer our Tuition free program! 

What items am I responsible for buying?

Upon enrollment, you will be given a school supply list with estimated prices and where to find them.

What kind of job placement or career search services does the school offer upon my graduation?
  • Elite Reputation 
    • AMTT Massage Therapy School students are in extreme high demand and often have job offers before they graduate
  • Talent Acquisition Partnership 
    • AMTT is now partnering with national massage establishments! As part of our Alumni/Partnership network, qualified candidates can now enter our TAPP Program and have a job lined up at some of San Antonio’s top massage establishments upon graduation and licensure! 

For FAQs about our school, programs, instructors, etc., see our Massage Therapy School page

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